
Improper Furnishing of Firearms to a Minor in Ohio

Can minors purchase or own firearms? 
What are the penalties for Improperly Furnishing Firearms to a Minor? 

Responsible gun owners are often very enthusiastic about about helping youth to learn the safe and proper use of firearms.

Failure to follow the laws around furnishing weapons to minors could result in serious fines and even a jail or prison term, for both the minors and the adult who furnishes them with guns.

Can parents give firearms to their own children?

While a child may not be given free range to use a gun unsupervised, the law does allow for minors carrying weapons under certain circumstances, which are broadly defined.

According to the Ohio Revised Code, minors may be furnished with firearms or handguns while underage “for lawful hunting, sporting, or educational purposes, including, but not limited to, instruction in firearms or handgun safety, care, handling, or marksmanship under the supervision or control of a responsible adult”.

As long as you are providing appropriate supervision and educating your child to be safe with firearms, you are likely in good standing with the law.

Age restrictions on purchase of firearms and handguns

Under Ohio law, children under the age of 18 are not allowed to purchase a firearm; those under 21 are not allowed to purchase a handgun.

There are special considerations for persons between the ages of 18 and 21. Such persons can purchase a firearm if:

  • the person is a law enforcement officer and has received the required training in weapons handling or
  • the person is an active or reserve member of the U.S. Armed Forces or a member of the Ohio National Guard and has received training in weapons handling from the armed services or the Ohio National Guard.

Selling or giving firearms to those not allowed to buy them is also illegal, and will be prosecuted.

A firearms seller cannot furnish a firearm if the seller knows or has reason to know that the purchaser plans to furnish the firearm to an underage person.

Penalties for Improperly Furnishing Firearms to a Minor in Ohio

Those who attempt to purchase firearms while underage can face serious penalties.

Attempting to purchase a firearm under the age of 18 can land you in Juvenile Court and/or the Juvenile Detention Center.

Underage purchase of a handgun is a misdemeanor of the second degree, and could carry fines of up to $750.00 and/or jail time up to 90 days.

Adults assisting minors to purchase firearms could be charged with a felony of the fourth degree. If convicted, you could be facing 6 – 8 months in prison and fines up to $5,000.00.

Those who sell firearms to underage buyers could also face a fourth degree felony charge, carrying a possible prison term of 6 – 8 months and up to $5,000.00 in fines.

Other Recent Articles by Jim Dearie:

What to Do if Your Minor Child is Arrested in Ohio

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Ohio Lawyers for Your Weapons Charge

Ohio Lawyers for weapons charges in Warren County, Butler County,
Montgomery County, and Greene County.

Navigating the complex Ohio gun law requires some help. The attorneys at Dearie, Fischer & Mathews, LLC bring decades-long experience to the local courts in fighting weapons charges. If you or your child has been charged with violating any laws, please feel to contact us. In Warren County and Butler County, call our Lebanon Office at our office. In Montgomery and Greene County, call our Beavercreek office at our office.