What are the Possible Long-Term Effects of an OVI Conviction?

If law enforcement pulls you over on suspicion of operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol (OVI), you will likely feel confused and anxious, wondering what will happen next.

Your immediate concerns will revolve around the arrest. However, the consequences of an OVI conviction will follow you and cause future issues you may not have anticipated.

Employment issues

If you currently have a job that involves driving for your company, an OVI conviction may cause you to lose that position. If you are looking for a new job, remember that many employers run background checks on applicants. Because of your OVI, a recruiter may pass you over for an applicant with a clean record.

Professional licensing problems

An OVI conviction may prevent you from obtaining the professional certification or state licensing you need for certain careers. These include law, education and medicine.

Auto insurance adjustment

Due to the OVI mark on your record, your auto insurance company may view you as a high-risk driver. Expect them either to cancel your policy outright or issue you a new policy at a much higher rate that will remain in effect for years.

Defense strategy

In addition to the long-term concerns, the penalties you face for an OVI conviction include driver’s license suspension, fines and even possible time behind bars. Building a successful defense strategy is essential and will require your participation. Were your rights violated? Keep in mind that errors can happen in an arrest for OVI. You have a future to protect, and you want the best outcome possible for your case.