Category: Ohio Juvenile Court

  • Status of Ohio Juvenile Expungement


    With all the changes to Ohio expungement laws, many people with criminal records in Ohio may be trying to keep up to date. We have a whole section on our blog dedicated to Ohio expungement laws. We wrote many of these articles to deal with changes to Ohio’s expungement laws as they happened. Other articles…

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  • In recent articles, we have explored the differences between adult court and juvenile court in Ohio. We focussed mostly on adult criminal convictions and how they differ from juvenile delinquent adjudications. But how do things change when we start talking about traffic court? Here are some specifics of juvenile traffic court. Pleas in Juvenile Traffic…

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  • Terms in Juvenile Court


    We have recently written articles about Juvenile court in Ohio and how it differs from adult court in various specific ways. We wrote about how penalties can be different, and the differences in the expungement processes between the two systems. There are other differences to discuss, including some different terminology in juvenile court. In the…

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  • We recently posted an overview of sealing and expungement of criminal records in Ohio, and we mentioned that there are several exceptions to the rules, including exceptions for juvenile records. In this article, we go further into the details of sealing and expunging Ohio juvenile records. Sealing of Juvenile Records in Ohio Like adult records,…

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  • Penalties for Juvenile Offenders in Ohio


    In most states, many people understand the justice system for adults.  If the justice system finds you guilty of an illegal action, you are subject to some sort of penalty.  The more serious the offense, the more serious the heavier the consequence. However, when it comes to juveniles, many Ohioans may not understand as the sentencing process as…

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  • As you are probably aware, you have to be 16 to obtain a driver’s license, 18 to legally be an adult, and 21 to reach legal drinking age.  Because these legal ages are all different, an OVI conviction can have different results depending on how old you are.  Most drivers are over the age of…

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  • At Dearie, Fischer, and Martinson, we have handled thousands of juvenile court cases over the last twenty years.  Most people know what it means to have a criminal conviction as an adult, but things are a little bit different when it comes to juvenile adjudication in Ohio.  If your child is facing a juvenile delinquency…

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  • We have written many articles on juvenile law in Ohio.  Anyone under the age of 18 in Ohio (or any other state) is considered a juvenile.  Typically, when a juvenile is alleged to have committed an illegal act, the case is handled in juvenile court.  These cases are known as delinquency cases, and they are considered civil…

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  • Anyone below the age of eighteen is considered a juvenile.  If you have reached the age of eighteen already, you may remember how certain things changed as you legally became an adult.  Even if you have been in Juvenile Court as a juvenile, you may or may not have noticed the difference in Court proceedings…

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  • For parents in Ohio whose child has gotten into some form of trouble with the law, the concept of juvenile justice will come to the forefront. It could be a drug charge, driving under the influence, a physical altercation or something more severe. Regardless of the allegations, it is imperative to understand the options available…

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