Category: Ohio Juvenile Court

  • After conviction, many people seek to have their records sealed or expunged. Sealing and Expunging are processes that remove your record from public view. For help or with questions getting started on sealing or expunging your Ohio juvenile record call our greater Cincinnati office at our office or our Greater Dayton office at our office.…

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  • What are the penalties for Teen Sexting in Ohio?  Penalties for teen sexting in Ohio are no joke. Before deciding to engage in sexting, make sure you understand these legal facts: You are aware of some of the risks cell phones and their apps may pose to your children, but make sure you are also…

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  • The arrest of a minor can be traumatic for the child and a shock for the parent. Processing so many emotions and so much information quickly can be overwhelming. Because Ohio’s juvenile justice system likes to move quickly, contacting counsel promptly will be important for both legal help and perspective. Here are a few tips and clues…

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  • Parents have a lot of questions when their teen reaches driving age. While many things about seeing your child get behind the wheel for the first time may be fraught with worries and complications, educating yourself about teen driving law can help to ease your mind. While parents’ primary concern is that their teens avoid…

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  • Many new drivers face temptation to drive at high speeds on Ohio roadways, especially if they drive expensive or fast cars. When individuals engage in races on the road, it creates an environment that could lead to disaster. Drag racing can cause serious car accidents, resulting in significant bodily injuries or death. Not only can…

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  • Whether due to police tactics or a child’s state of mind, ample evidence has shown that juveniles are more likely to make false confession compared to adults. In fact, according to the National Registry of Exonerations’ study, 38 percent of juveniles who were later exonerated were found to have falsely confessed. What causes teens to…

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  • Parents’ Concerns We understand the concerns that parents face when they learn their child has been arrested or is under investigation for breaking the law. Aside from immediate concerns of protecting the child’s safety and privacy, parents can worry that their child’s future could be impacted by a troubling legal record. Our experienced attorneys have…

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