Category: Ohio Marijuana Laws

  • Marijuana laws in Ohio have become rather complicated in recent years. When medical marijuana became legal, we wrote an article called “Medical Marijuana: an OVI Trap?” We saw medical marijuana as a potential OVI trap because marijuana, unlike alcohol, can stay in a person’s system for weeks even if used legally.  This means that methods used to…

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  • Disclaimer: This article contains general analysis of Ohio and federal laws.  It should NOT be read as legal advice.  If you need legal advice specific to your case or situation, then please call Dearie, Fischer & Mathews or seek the advice of some other attorney. Introduction We have written about the topic of marijuana laws…

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  • How Does the Use of a K-9 Detection Dog Affect Your Rights Regarding Search and Seizure Protections in Ohio law?  Jim Dearie explains. Our local Lebanon Schools have brought on a new partner in their effort to keep the schools safe and free from drugs. In a joint effort with the Lebanon Police Department, the schools will…

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  • Marijuana Reinvestment and Expungement Act Marijuana users may have experienced some excitement recently as a bill decriminalizing marijuana passed the United States House of Representatives known as the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act of 2019. Regardless of the way this news may sound, it is important to realize that marijuana has by no…

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  • How Will the New Cincinnati Pot Law Affect You? Cincinnati City Council has voted to decriminalize the possession of marijuana within the city limits. Replacing the city’s previous ordinance on marijuana, the new minor misdemeanor for possession of cannabis will carry no jail time, fines, or criminal record as long as you possess less than…

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  • The legality of marijuana is expanding in Ohio. Medical marijuana has come to Ohio, with dispensaries across the state now providing cannabis products for use by those on the medical marijuana registry. The new law has caused some confusion about the legality of marijuana use, especially when it comes to driving. Breaking:  Cincinnati City Council votes…

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  • 6 Myths about Legal Marijuana Use in Ohio


    Marijuana is now legally approved in Ohio for medicinal purposes. But are you aware of the consequences of using marijuana outside of its approved forms? Read about these six common myths that get can get you into trouble with marijuana in Ohio. Myth #1:  Police don’t enforce Ohio marijuana laws I so often hear people…

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  • After my last article about medical marijuana, I had a number of people ask me for more details about how you can be charged with a DUI for marijuana. Most people are familiar with the .08 limit for alcohol, but marijuana limits are tested and calculated differently.  And one thing to watch out for:  You may…

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  • What is legal and what is not in 2019 for Ohio Marijuana Law? Legal in Ohio Marijuana Law:   Medical Marijuana, under the supervision of a marijuana-certifed physician for an approved condition. Marijuana for medicinal purposes, in oils, edibles, patches and vaporized forms. Production, sale, and testing of marijuana by state-approved businesses. Employer drug-testing of employees…

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