Category: Ohio Traffic Law

  • Things to Know About Adult Traffic Convictions in Ohio

    At Dearie, Fischer & Martinson, we represent many clients in traffic court. Both adults and juveniles often need traffic representation, and we have decades of experience with both. On our website, we have articles such as “What to Expect with a Juvenile Traffic Charge.” We do have a category of blog posts dedicated to Ohio…

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  • In recent articles, we have explored the differences between adult court and juvenile court in Ohio. We focussed mostly on adult criminal convictions and how they differ from juvenile delinquent adjudications. But how do things change when we start talking about traffic court? Here are some specifics of juvenile traffic court. Pleas in Juvenile Traffic…

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  • You may or may not have heard of changes in Ohio distracted driving laws. Ohio passed a law allowing law enforcement to stop drivers for the use of a cell phone while driving.  You may have also noticed that you have not heard of anyone getting a citation in this way.  That is because, after…

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  • As you are probably aware, you have to be 16 to obtain a driver’s license, 18 to legally be an adult, and 21 to reach legal drinking age.  Because these legal ages are all different, an OVI conviction can have different results depending on how old you are.  Most drivers are over the age of…

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  • Common Questions About DUI/OVI in Ohio

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    Is DUI/OVI in Ohio a Felony? Whether or not a DUI/OVI is a felony depends mainly your previous OVI record.  An OVI becomes a felony if you have: We go into more detail about the differences between misdemeanor and felony OVIs in “OVI in Ohio: Misdemeanor or Felony?“

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  • If a court convicts you of an OVI in Ohio, your punishment can include a driver’s license suspension. The suspension length depends on the offense’s severity and your previous history. Losing your license can make it difficult to get around and live your life. Fortunately, you can apply for a limited license. License suspensions In…

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  • OVI continues to be a topic that citizens and Courts in Ohio take very seriously.  As we discussed in our article “First OVI Offense vs. Multiple OVI Offenses,”  the penalties for OVI differ based on the situation.  Here, we will specifically talk about how you end up with felony OVI in Ohio.  Keep in mind,…

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  • What is Reckless Driving in Ohio?


    Operating a Vehicle Impaired (OVI) laws are easy enough for the average driver to understand. Getting behind the wheel with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 or higher will result in an arrest. Police can use blood test data to show that the suspect categorically broke the law. Reckless driving, on the other hand, is much…

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  • Operating a Vehicle under the  Influence of Alcohol or Drugs (OVI) is an offense that Courts throughout Ohio and all across the country take very seriously.  Not only are there penalties for a first time OVI offense, but the consequences often get worse when the same offender continues to be convicted of OVI, especially if…

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  • Are Officers Making Too Many Traffic Stops?


    Police officers have been under significant scrutiny during the past few years regarding the method by which they conduct their duties. It is true that their training has become more militarized than in past decades, and more seriousness is paid to security threats and protecting officers at any cost while on duty. However, not only…

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