
Concealed Weapons Charges in Ohio? Your Rights and Responsibilities

Ohioans are allowed by law to openly carry weapons without a permit. A license for carrying a concealed weapon (CCW) can still be obtained, but it is not a requirement for simply carrying a concealed weapon.

But the Ohio Concealed Carry Law is detailed and complex, and can sometimes cause difficulties for gun owners who violate these laws unintentionally.

Your Rights At Risk

If you are ever charged with violating concealed weapons laws, contact the attorneys at Dearie, Fischer & Mathews, LLC. Your right to the license and your right to bear arms at all may be at risk, as well as your freedom and money (fines for various violations can run into the thousands of dollars). Our attorneys are experienced in the local courts and will talk to you about strategies for building your case and defending your rights.

Common Violations of Concealed Carry Permits in Ohio

Drinking alcohol while carrying a concealed weapon

Improper Handling of a Firearm in a Motor Vehicle

Carrying a Concealed Weapon in Prohibited Areas

What Should I Do if I am Charged with a Concealed Carry Violation?

While carrying a concealed weapon, you are still bound the laws and regulations of Ohio when it comes to firearms. These are very complex and can be difficult to understand, especially when attempting to build a defense against charges. Do not hesitate to contact the law offices of Dearie, Fischer & Mathews, LLC if you are facing any kind of charges related to a concealed carry violation. Our attorneys are experienced in the local courts and can help you in building a defense strategy to preserve your rights and privileges as an Ohio gun owner.

Concealed Carry Permit Requirements

In June of 2022, concealed carry without a permit became legal in Ohio for qualifying adults.  However, it is still possible to obtain a CCW in Ohio if you find it beneficial for you in your specific circumstances.  In order to apply for a CCW, you must be 21 years older or older, and either reside or work in the state of Ohio. You must demonstrate that you are competent to use a weapon, and you will be fingerprinted and subject to a background check.

If you are a qualifying adult, you may carry a concealed weapon at anytime, as long as you remain in areas in which it is permitted. Many churches, schools, and other public places, potentially including your place of employment, have the right to ban firearms on their property and many exercise this right. There should be signs clearly posted indicating that you are in a forbidden carry zone if you are in fact in one. As of now, obtaining a CCW is still possible and may be beneficial in certain circumstances.  You may apply at any time.

Who is Prohibited from Obtaining a CCW License?

While a CCW license is no longer a requirement for concealed carry in Ohio, they are still possible to obtain.  Certain conditions may prevent you from obtaining or keeping a CCW license:

  • an outstanding protection order against you
  • any felony conviction
  • domestic violence conviction, misdemeanor or felony
  • drug addiction
  • history of mental illness
  • suspension  of  a previous concealed handgun license
  • a dishonorable military discharge
  • record of certain convictions within a certain number of years depending on the conviction

There are a few other conditions that could potentially prevent you from obtaining a CCW.  If you have been prevented from obtaining a CCW give us a call. Sometimes, gun-regulatory agencies misunderstand the law and mistakenly deny a license to Ohioans who should not be prohibited from obtaining a CCW license.

                       Related articles by Dearie, Fischer & Mathews:

How Can An OVI Affect My Gun Rights?

Firearms Restrictions With Domestic Violence Charges

Major Change in Ohio Self Defense Cases

What Areas are Prohibited for Concealed Carry?

Even if you are a qualifying adult, you may be charged with a violation if you carry a concealed weapon:

  • Into any property posted with a sign indicating it is a “no gun zone”.
  • Into a courtroom or courthouse.
  • While drinking alcohol or while impaired from alcohol.
  • Into a Church or house of worship, unless specifically allowed.
  • Into secured areas of airports.
  • Into institutions for the care of the mentally ill.
  • Into a government building.
  • Into a school zone or onto properties owned by public or private universities or colleges (keeping concealed weapons in your locked vehicle may be allowed in these zones).
  • Into any areas prohibited by federal law for carrying of handguns.

Penalties if Convicted of CCW Violations

Generally speaking, violation of concealed carry laws is a misdemeanor of the first degree, and carries potential jail time of up to six months, a fine up to $1,000.00, and possible suspension of concealed handgun license.

Other conditions may increase the level of charges as well as possible jail time and fines. For example, repeat offenders, or those carrying a loaded weapon at the time of the violation, face a charge of felony of the fourth degree (F-4). An F-4 conviction could result in 6-18 months in prison and fines up to $5,000.00.

Concealed Weapons at a Traffic Stop

A common source for CCW violation charges is traffic stops. If you are ever pulled over by the police while carrying a concealed weapon, be sure to know your rights and the conduct that is expected of you as a CCW holder. You have every right to carry a concealed weapon in your motor vehicle while in Ohio as long as you are licensed to do so. For additional information, see our article: How to Handle Traffic Stops While Transporting Firearms.

Is My Ohio Concealed Carry License Valid in Other States?

The first thing to know is that licenses are issued at the county level under the laws of the state; if you are issued a CCW in Ohio, you may carry a concealed weapon here, but that does not necessarily mean you have the right to carry concealed weapons in other states. Several states, including Ohio, allow anyone to carry a concealed weapon without a permit, but several others as well as the District of Columbia are more restrictive and do not recognize Ohio-issued CCWs. Be sure to do your research before traveling out of state if you intend to keep a concealed weapon on your person or in your car.

The information contained herein does not represent the full extent of Ohio Concealed Carry Law and does not constitute legal advice. For weapons charges, every individual’s circumstance is unique. Call us so we can evaluate your case.

How to Contact Us

Swift response to your charges will help you get the best result for your case.

To reach us, go to our Contact page or call us any time day or night:

In Lebanon, Warren County and Butler County, Ohio call our office.

In Beavercreek, Montgomery County and Greene County, Ohio email us.