Dearie, Fischer & Mathews Welcomes Matt Nolan

Matt Nolan has been an active attorney and public servant since 2008. As an assistant prosecutor for Warren County he represented public agencies in civil matters across the County. As an assistant City Prosecutor, Matt has helped protect Mason and Deerfield Township and uphold the criminal laws of the State. He is an active member of the Warren County Bar Association.

Matt joins our Criminal Defense and Business Law practices.

In 2014, Matt was elected by the people of Warren County to represent them as County Auditor. As County Auditor Matt and his exceptional staff provide a conservative and cost effective fiscal officer for the most fiscally sound County in the State of Ohio.

Matt was born and raised in rural Wisconsin. He graduated with honors from Miami University with a BA in Political Science and History and immediately went to law school at Ohio State. He studied real estate development and international law extensively, while working throughout law school as an clerk for the Franklin County Prosecutor.

Matt has been active in civic organizations for more than 20 years. He is past-President and a Board member for Lebanon Kiwanis, a Board Member for the Hopewell District Boy Scouts organization, President of the Board of Elizabeth’s New Life Center, and a Board member of the Warren County Republican Party.


· Warren County Auditor – 2015-present

· Assistant Prosecutor City of Mason 2010-present

· Assistant Prosecutor Warren County 2008-2011

· Intern Prosecutor Franklin County 2006-2008


· Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. 2008

· The Miami University, Oxford, OH. Magna Cum Laude, 2004.

Community Involvement

· Board President, Elizabeth’s New Life Center

· Board Member, Warren County Republican Party

· Board Member & Past President, Lebanon Kiwanis

· Board Member, Hopewell District Boy Scouts

See Matt’s complete profile and contact information.