Fighting for Your Reputation Against Domestic Violence Charges

With the COVID-19 pandemic serving as a background, more reports of domestic violence have surfaced throughout the country. Living in close quarters and constant togetherness used to be sought after by some married couples, but, under recent times and stressful circumstances, it can be too much. Too much time to stir up disagreements, leading to anger, confrontation and potentially physical violence.

A domestic violence accusation can harm you for the rest of your life, whether you convicted or acquitted. Your reputation likely will take a permanent hit no matter what happens. Your family, friends and potential employers may pass judgment on you even if you did nothing wrong. A conviction on a domestic violence charge is the most problematic, though.

Restraining orders severely limit the accused

Domestic violence situations surface in some marriages. Sometimes, false accusations surface, usually in bitter divorce cases. It takes some time to recover from such untruths. In those circumstances, the alleged victim often wants to gain an advantage in matters related to child custody and division of property matters.

A judge also can slap you with a temporary restraining order, which:

  • Bans you from your home as well as visiting the house. You are no longer allowed. Under some circumstances, you may retrieve personal belongings if a police escort accompanies you.
  • Prevents you from having any contact with your estranged spouse or partner. Additional harassment charges hover if you attempt visits at the home or work, make phone calls or write messages via text or social media.
  • Instills serious restrictions in matters related to custody and visitation rights with your kids. This may hurt you the most because you love your children.

Clearing you of these charges and getting your life back on track is crucial. A worst-case scenario outcome would be incarceration, fines, restitution and severe restrictions on child custody.