Jim Dearie Announced as Keynote Speaker in Criminal Justice Symposium

Attorney James Dearie will be one of the keynote speakers at the 2017 Warren County Criminal Justice Symposium and Resource Fair, scheduled for June 13, 2017. Jim will do a presentation on Casey’s Law, a law designed to assist families in getting help for a family member struggling with drug addiction. Mr. Dearie recently filed the first Casey’s Law case in this region.

Casey’s Law became a part of the Ohio Revised Code in 2012 and gives families a means of obtaining court-ordered treatment for loved ones who are refusing to get help for themselves. This law specifically targets struggling addicts over the age of 18, who present a danger to self, family, or others as a result of their substance use disorder. A person who petitions the court to order this involuntary treatment must be able to show that the treatment will be beneficial. The petitioner will also be obligated to pay for the cost of the treatment.