
Sealing and Expungement of Juvenile Records in Ohio – 2024

We recently posted an overview of sealing and expungement of criminal records in Ohio, and we mentioned that there are several exceptions to the rules, including exceptions for juvenile records. In this article, we go further into the details of sealing and expunging Ohio juvenile records.

Sealing of Juvenile Records in Ohio

Like adult records, sealing is not available for all offenses. For other offenses, there are certain circumstances where the court must order the expungement of records; for example, when a court dismisses a complaint of delinquent behavior. Under other conditions, the court may file a motion for the sealing of records, or the offender can make an application. No matter who files for the sealing of records, there are certain waiting periods that apply for juveniles in Ohio.

Expungement of Juvenile Records in Ohio

After juvenile records have been sealed, there are two circumstances where the court will usually expunge juvenile records:

  • Five years have passed since the sealing of the record
  • The offender has turned twenty-three years old.

Juvenile offenders who have had there records sealed can also apply to have their records expunged, which the court may or may not approve. ORC Section 2151.358 lists several factors the court should consider in determining whether or not to approve the application.


Even though expungement and sealing of records is sometimes easier in juvenile court than in adult court, the rules can still be complex just like adult expungement laws. If you have questions about sealing and expunging Ohio juvenile records, other juvenile proceedings, or any other legal questions, feel free to contact the expert attorneys at Dearie, Fischer & Martinson LLC.

One response to “Sealing and Expungement of Juvenile Records in Ohio – 2024”

  1. […] We have written many articles on the complex rules for sealing and expunging adult records in adult court. While the rules for sealing criminal records in juvenile court can also be complex, the rules for expungement are more straightforward. We talk go into more detail about the sealing and expungement of Juvenile records in Ohio in our new article, “Sealing and Expungement of Juvenile Records in Ohio – 2024.” […]