Sharing Prescription Drugs – What Harm Can it Do?

Dearie, Fischer & Mathews attorney Jim Dearie discusses the legal problems with sharing prescription drugs.

I pointed out in an earlier post that smoking marijuana in Ohio is still illegal, and police officers regularly charge people with this offense. Similarly, Ohio residents should know that sharing any controlled substances (i.e. prescription medications) with friends, family, and acquaintances is strictly forbidden by law. An all-too common scenario occurs when a friend or family member gets hurt at a sporting event, or has an issue with ongoing muscle or joint pain, or is experiencing pain from an unknown source, and a well-meaning friend or relative remembers a that they have a pain medication that helped them out some time in the past. Wanting to help, he or she may offer a few of the prescription pills to the hurting individual. Seeing another person in pain is uncomfortable, and looking to alleviate another’s pain is a natural, compassionate response. However, people cross a legal line when they begin sharing their prescription pain killers. It is illegal to share medications with someone other than the individual named on the prescription. Many clients enter my office in need of defense after being charged with the possession of pills that were intended, by prescription, for someone else. There are different categories of drugs, and unauthorized possession of some of them is a charged as a felony. Be advised, that when someone shares a prescription medication, both the original holder of the prescription and the unauthorized person who possessing or taking the drug can be charged with the offense. Don’t ever share your prescription drugs with another person, and do not accept offers of others’ prescription drugs, however well-meaning they may be. Always seek professional medical assistance for any acute or chronic pain that cannot be controlled with over-the-counter medications.
